Saturday 30th March 2 – 3.30pm
Sunday 14th April 2 – 3.30pm
Saturday 4th May 2 – 3.30pm
Saturday 25th May 2 – 3.30pm
More dates to be confirmed soon. Come back to check or email me.
Nurturing awareness through movement
Saturday 30th March 2 – 3.30pm
Sunday 14th April 2 – 3.30pm
Saturday 4th May 2 – 3.30pm
Saturday 25th May 2 – 3.30pm
More dates to be confirmed soon. Come back to check or email me.
Saturday 15th April 2pm
Friday 12th May 5pm
Wednesday 14th June 6pm
Monday 17th July 6pm
I will be holding monthly Plant sessions in my flat in London Fields on Saturdays between 5-6.30pm. The first session will be on 9th October and we will probably work with Amanita Muscaria, more widely known as Fly Agaric. The next following sessions will be on 6th November and 4th December and I will decide nearer the time which plant to work with.
£10 a session.
To book a place send me an email:
This Moving with Plants session will take place in Hackney Marshes. We will connect and move with a plant which can easily be foraged there at the time of our meeting. I’m hoping to run regular monthly Moving with Plants sessions in the Hackney Marshes (probably indoors when it is winter) so if you can’t make it to this one make sure to sign up to my newsletter or just send me an email to let me know that you would like to come to the next one.
£10 a session.
Tuesday 6th July
I was hoping that we could work with Elderflower but by the 6th July it is unlikely there will be any left. My backup plan is to work with rose so I will ask you to either forage a dog rose in the wild (there are fairly common and easy to identify) or a normal garden rose. It’s best to avoid a rose bought in the shop unless you know for sure that they haven’t been sprayed with anything. Alternatively you can just use dried rose petals (easily found in the Turkish shop if you live in London) or rose tincture if you have some.
£10 a session.
Tuesday 10th August
I’m hoping to use mugwort which I believe should come in flower soon. If you’re planning to come to the session you might want to forage and dry it in advance so you can pick it at its peak (ideally on or around the full moon). You can also buy mugwort tea. If anyone struggle to find any, let me know in advance and I can provide some at a small cost.
These two classes will take place online. If you are interested in joining in-person sessions send me an email so I can add you to the London group of Moving with Plants.
£10 a session.
Three workshops in collaboration with cello player and herbalist apprentice Amy Cox
Moving with Rose is an experiential and sensorial exploration of rose through tea tasting, movement and music in which you will learn to listen and trust the intuitive abilities of your body through movement. First you will be guided into a state of deep receptivity within your body through intuitive and spontaneous movement so that you can better receive and connect with rose. Then you will be invited to sit and meet rose in a sensory tea tasting and really take the time to receive it by paying attention and listening to your body in stillness before moving again in response to rose. If the weather is nice we will be doing the workshop in the rose garden and you will also be able to move in response to the roses there. Finally, live cello music will be played in response to the energy of the garden/room and everyone’s movement . Unlike recorded music which leads the way and doesn’t respond to our movement when we dance, the live cello music will be in dialogue with each of you, individually and as a group, and will guide you into a deeper state of connection with rose.
Two day workshop (from 2pm on Wednesday till 1pm on Friday)
in partnership with the School of Intuitive Herbalism.
In this two day workshop, we will explore how we can develop our bodies to be radical tools of thinking and being beyond the human. We will notably explore what it means to move from a non-human centred perspective, that is to say from our feral bodies. First I will guide you to become more aware of how our movements are limited and conditioned by our idea of being human. Then, I will invite you to explore how these limits can be expanded by nurturing kinaesthetic and ecological awareness. This will be done by learning to receive and connect with a plant in order to dialogue with it through movement. We will also explore how our movements are already in dialogue with the environment we’re in whether we are aware of it or not. Plants are amazing guides in this matter as they are incredibly responsive to the local environment in which they find themselves rooted in while also changing its make-up. For this effect I will guide you in becoming more aware of not just your own body and movement but also how you respond to and impact what surrounds you and what you can learn from this.
You will be invited to move and not move (stillness is also part of movement) in any way your body needs at the time of the workshop. There will be no steps or sequences to follow or expectation to stylise movement in any way. The emphasis will be on intuitive movement and spontaneous gesture. The aim is to learn to listen more deeply to your own ability, to trust your own body and how it wants to move, to let it speak its own language without expectation.
Any ability is welcome. All that is required is a willingness to listen and explore your body through movement without any preconceived ideas.
Sessions will be a mixture of both indoors and outdoors movement. We will move outdoors even if the weather is not at its best. You will need to bring a pair of waterproof trousers and a waterproof jacket and enough layers to be warm to be ready to work under any weather condition.
This class will run 2pm Wednesday 15th September until 1pm Friday 16th September. Camping and one lunch on the Thursday will be provided, alongside tea and nibbles.
This is a new course and we are keeping the cost low with a sliding scale £120 to £160 as you can afford – this includes camping and lunch on the Thursday.
The classes will explore my current research interest in the feral body as a radical tool of thinking and being beyond the human. We will explore how anthropomorphic, anthropocentric and anthropocene thinking limit the potential of our moving body and how to let our feral side unfurl through layers of conditioning by nurturing kinaesthetic and ecological awareness. As always with my classes, the thinking of those ideas will be explored through movement and our own lens as a moving body. I’m currently writing a movement book about this so it would be wonderful to have other bodies involved in the process. How you experience these ideas through the specific lens and of your moving body will be an integral part of how this material comes to life.
Every Monday evening from 5-7pm
£8 per class
£55 for 8 classes
Moving Sensing Bodies on Screen is an online movement class which aims to acknowledge what the screen affords, a different way to move and communicate, without losing touch with bodily presence and environmental awareness.Through an exploration of your own movement and your immediate physical space, I will guide you to find your own way to remain embodied when moving with others via a screen. This will be a gradual process of bringing the body more into awareness with itself in order to become more aware of its dialogue with the environment of which the screen is just one element.You will be introduced to how the screen frames our experience of movement online and how to use the screen to mediate your movement with spontaneity and presence. For this purpose, you will practise how to see with your whole body, not just the eyes. That is to say, you will experience how the act of seeing is intertwined with the other senses and the movement and shape that our bodies make in space. You will also practise moving with a sense of diffuse awareness, which is inclusive and expansive of the body, the physical environment, and the screen, all at once.The course will run over 10 weeks and will include exploration of body parts and measurements, 3D physical space vs. 2D screen, the language of the frame, the body as frame, sight, sound, touch, proprioception and how they interconnect in synesthesia, gravity, balance and moving with objects and cameras.The course is open to all ages and ability and no previous experience is required.
Every Monday evening 5-7pm
£8 Drop-in
£60 Block of 10 classes