Moving with Plants, online, 6th July & 10th August 2021

Tuesday 6th July

I was hoping that we could work with Elderflower but by the 6th July it is unlikely there will be any left. My backup plan is to work with rose so I will ask you to either forage a dog rose in the wild (there are fairly common and easy to identify) or a normal garden rose. It’s best to avoid a rose bought in the shop unless you know for sure that they haven’t been sprayed with anything. Alternatively you can just use dried rose petals (easily found in the Turkish shop if you live in London) or rose tincture if you have some.

£10 a session.

Tuesday 10th August

I’m hoping to use mugwort which I believe should come in flower soon. If you’re planning to come to the session you might want to forage and dry it in advance so you can pick it at its peak (ideally on or around the full moon). You can also buy mugwort tea. If anyone struggle to find any, let me know in advance and I can provide some at a small cost.

These two classes will take place online. If you are interested in joining in-person sessions send me an email so I can add you to the London group of Moving with Plants.

£10 a session.

Moving with Rose, Tribe of Doris Festival, 4-8 Aug 2021

Three workshops in collaboration with cello player and herbalist apprentice Amy Cox

Moving with Rose is an experiential and sensorial exploration of rose through tea tasting, movement and music in which you will learn to listen and trust the intuitive abilities of your body through movement. First you will be guided into a state of deep receptivity within your body through intuitive and spontaneous movement so that you can better receive and connect with rose. Then you will be invited to sit and meet rose in a sensory tea tasting and really take the time to receive it by paying attention and listening to your body in stillness before moving again in response to rose. If the weather is nice we will be doing the workshop in the rose garden and you will also be able to move in response to the roses there. Finally, live cello music will be played in response to the energy of the garden/room and everyone’s movement . Unlike recorded music which leads the way and doesn’t respond to our movement when we dance, the live cello music will be in dialogue with each of you, individually and as a group, and will guide you into a deeper state of connection with rose.