Awakening our feral bodies, Stroud, 15-17 Sept 2021

Two day workshop (from 2pm on Wednesday till 1pm on Friday)
in partnership with the School of Intuitive Herbalism.

In this two day workshop, we will explore how we can develop our bodies to be radical tools of thinking and being beyond the human. We will notably explore what it means to move from a non-human centred perspective, that is to say from our feral bodies. First I will guide you to become more aware of how our movements are limited and conditioned by our idea of being human. Then, I will invite you to explore how these limits can be expanded by nurturing kinaesthetic and ecological awareness. This will be done by learning to receive and connect with a plant in order to dialogue with it through movement. We will also explore how our movements are already in dialogue with the environment we’re in whether we are aware of it or not. Plants are amazing guides in this matter as they are incredibly responsive to the local environment in which they find themselves rooted in while also changing its make-up. For this effect I will guide you in becoming more aware of not just your own body and movement but also how you respond to and impact what surrounds you and what you can learn from this.

You will be invited to move and not move (stillness is also part of movement) in any way your body needs at the time of the workshop. There will be no steps or sequences to follow or expectation to stylise movement in any way. The emphasis will be on intuitive movement and spontaneous gesture. The aim is to learn to listen more deeply to your own ability, to trust your own body and how it wants to move, to let it speak its own language without expectation.

Any ability is welcome. All that is required is a willingness to listen and explore your body through movement without any preconceived ideas.

 Sessions will be a mixture of both indoors and outdoors movement. We will move outdoors even if the weather is not at its best. You will need to bring a pair of waterproof trousers and a waterproof jacket and enough layers to be warm to be ready to work under any weather condition.

This class will run 2pm Wednesday 15th September until 1pm Friday 16th September. Camping and one lunch on the Thursday will be provided, alongside tea and nibbles.
This is a new course and we are keeping the cost low with a sliding scale £120 to £160 as you can afford – this includes camping and lunch on the Thursday.

How to be Feral, online, 12 April – 7 June 2021, 8 weeks

The classes will explore my current research interest in the feral body as a radical tool of thinking and being beyond the human. We will explore how anthropomorphic, anthropocentric and anthropocene thinking limit the potential of our moving body and how to let our feral side unfurl through layers of conditioning by nurturing kinaesthetic and ecological awareness. As always with my classes, the thinking of those ideas will be explored through movement and our own lens as a moving body. I’m currently writing a movement book about this so it would be wonderful to have other bodies involved in the process. How you experience these ideas through the specific lens and of your moving body will be an integral part of how this material comes to life.

Every Monday evening from 5-7pm
£8 per class
£55 for 8 classes